Violine lebeled Ansaldo Poggi Bologna 1947

Datum 28.01.2020
Ort In Denmark

Sadly two days ago on Tuesday 28th of January my beautiful Violine Lebeled
“Ansaldo Poggi Bologna 1947“
and three violin bows :
Jean Jacques Millant Silver mounted stamped ,J.Jacqued Millant a Paris ,
Lamy stamped “Lamy Paris“
and German Bow „Knopf“ had been stolen from overhead luggage rack of a train on the way to Copenhagen airport.
Any kind of help or information in regard to folowing stolen properties would be highly appreciated !

Wir warnen dringend vor einem Ankauf!
Hinweise richten Sie bitte an:
Ansprechpartner Lilya Bekirova
Telefon +97466088569